Thursday, December 12, 2013


A Convention was organised by the ICEU, Chennai Division-1, on December 7, 2013 to mark the death anniversary of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. The meeting started after paying respects to the memory of Dr.Ambedkar and South African leader Shri Nelson Mandela, who passed away on December 5, 2013, by observing a minute’s silence. Com.S.Rameshkumar, General Secretary, ICEU, Chennai Division-1, welcomed the gathering and invited the guest speakers on to the dais. The meeting was presided over by Com.R.Kiran Kumar, Vice-President, ICEU, Chennai Division-1, who gave an introductory speech highlighting the educational background of Dr.Ambedkar both in India and abroad and appreciating his role in the formation of the Reserve Bank of India.
Com.K.Bhimrao, CPI-M MLA from a Chennai city constituency, recalled the stellar role played by Dr.Ambedkar in drafting the Constitution of India, his sincere efforts at unifying and organising a fight by eighty trade unions in Mumbai. He stood for the pre-eminence of the public sector in the country but the present rulers were following policies which were detrimental to the interests of the nation and its people. He decried the attempts of the government to destabilise the public sector LIC and asserted that defending the public sector LIC would tantamount to defending the nation and its people. Dr.Ambedkar firmly stood for providing rights to women including the right to property and also for protecting the women from social evils.. He appealed for launching powerful agitations to defeat the neo-liberal policies of the government and the domination by the upper class in society. He applauded the role played by the AIIEA and its Units in this fight.
Com.R.Govindarajan, former Joint Secretary of AIIEA, who greeted the Convention, referred to the fight put up by Shri Nelson Mandela against racial discrimination in South Africa and his suffering for 27 years in jail. He told the gathering that Dr.Ambedkar also fought against oppression on dalits; one has to ponder whether the thoughts and movements of Dr.Ambedkar are relevant today; even after 66 years of rule by the Nehru clan, even today dalits are being attacked and the bill for women’s rights was opposed by Congress M.Ps. The British exploited the differences among the population and after independence the ruling classes continued the same policies of divide and rule. Even among the leaders who fought for national liberation, there were some prominent leaders who fought against social transformation. After explaining the stand of Dr.Ambedkar on several issues including  planned economy, nationalisation of the insurance and similar other industries, temple entry by the dalits etc., he asserted that Dr.Ambedkar’s policies were quite relevant today. He also stressed the need to fight for distribution of land to the tiller. He praised the role played by the Units of AIIEA in Tamil Nadu in the activities of the Tamil Nadu Untouchability Eradication Front and gave out a clarion call for alternate policies.
Com.D.Ramesh, Joint Secretary, ICEU, proposed a vote of thanks.


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